Tuesday, February 5, 2008

36. Strange New World-Eric



  • Debby McCenna and Dr. McCenna argue; they yell, raising hands and fists. Debby's face is puffy red; her throat undulates with each shout. Dr. McCenna looks angry as well, but appears more composed. A metal suitcase and a black brief case sit next to him on the french oak flooring.

  • There's different degrees of cheating? What the hell is that supposed to mean! I saw you with her!

  • Dr. McCenna lights a cigarello, and puffs a few times before speaking.

  • You know what I mean. Like that guy, Brock, or Brad, or whatever the hell his name is. The guy you train at Gold's. You even admitted to putting your hands on him a little more than what is, ahem, required. But I'm not jealous; I think it's a healthy thing. You need to have acceptance and respect from other men besides your husband, and so do I. I get that. We're all human. To me that's a form of cheating, it's more of what they call friendly flirting. You didn't kiss him, or fondle him, or go to bed with him.

  • Debby looks down at her foot and digs her fingernails.

  • No! That's different.

  • Dr. MCCENNA cocks his head to the side, and smiles at her.

  • Oh, and how's that?

  • I only give him extra attention and help him lift because of his...his tri...triceptor muscle is inflammed.

  • The doctor stares at her dubiously; finally he laughs, long and hard.

  • I'm a biologist, Deb. I'm a doctor, you can't just try to slide that by me. I know your last hus..., look, just stop trying to bullshit me. At least I can be honest about wanting attention from the opposite sex. Even if you have to lie to me the least you could do was be honest with yourself. I just can't believe you don't trust me. I can't believe you think I would take it farther than that, simple flirting. Come on, we all do it.

  • You're right, I know. You're just going out of town for the night for an extremely important meeting, blah, blah, blah.

  • Deb, I can explain it later. We need to understand it first before we can explain it to anyone else.


  • Debby and Scott sit at the far end of the hotel parking lot. Scott hands her a pair of binoculars. She sees Dr. McCenna walk around a long, white Avalon and open the door for a very attractive woman with a short white skirt and fur coat. He kisses her softly on the cheek and holds her hand, leading her inside the hotel lobby.

  • I knew it! I knew that son of bitch couldn't be trusted.

  • Yeah, I'm sorry I kept it from you for so long. I hate seeing you hurt.

  • I'm gonna kill him, and that prostitute.

  • Debby rushes out of the car; Scott grabs her arm to no avail. She rushes Dr. McCenna, beating him repeatedely in the face with her binoculars. She opens several gaping cuts on his face. Blood sprays the woman's white dress with speckles.


  • Dr. McCenna enters the apartment carrying the briefcase and suitcase. He has a sour and somber look on his face. Debby waits near the door, not helping him. Her arms are crossed and she leans one leg forward.

  • You're home early. Your mistress stand you up?

  • I don't have time for this now. It's much worse than we thought. Article 452 was ammended. They're going along with the plan.

  • Article four-fifty-what?

  • I'm sorry. I should have explained this before, but I honestly wasn't allowed. You've probably already heard it, but they've been passed of as rumors, and urban legends. The stuff of science fiction, brave new world. But it's worse than we thought. Dr. Gaius told us at the conference that, not only are they able to clone, without sanction, but they have an ability to speed up the aging process, by turning on the aging genes and turning them off when the clone has reached the desired age. This has horrifying implications. I'm really horrified.

  • Debby stands like a tree planted in the living room. She wears a medley of worry and confusion, but finally manages to compose herself. She walks to Dr. McCenna and embraces him.


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