Thursday, March 13, 2008

66. Spitz ' er Swallow?-Eric

  • Okay, I'm pissed. I'll just get to the point. I'm pissed because someone spent $1,000 an hour on a prostitute, sometimes $4,000 a pop. I've never owned a car worth more than $4,000. My car probably had less miles on it, but still!

    What's this chick doing that's worth that much money? How much better can a blowjob really get? Is there some kind of sexual strata out there that I'm unaware of? Is she a Hindu godess with four arms or something? If I were in jail with this cat, I'd so beat the shit out of him while I was thinking about all the unemployed and starving families out there. Yeah, his wife looks meh, but so what, I'm sure he could have found a $200 hooker that would have sufficed. I'm sure she would have done all the same things, maybe even more.

    That guy is killing me. And speaking of killing me, I take my previous comment back about beating the shit out of him. If he can afford to spend eighty grand on courtesans then he could put out a hit on me.

    It might just be me, but I think there's something wrong when a woman from California spends $100,000 to have her dog cloned in Korea because she loves it so much.

    In the end, I know, I know, it's their money. Whether they earned it through our tax dollars or not they have the right to do with it what they want. I know, I know. But I can still bitch. Okay, I'm done.

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